If you ever have contact with police there are some steps that you can take to protect yourself.
It is always important to be respectful and remain calm.
Many police interactions are now recorded by police body camera - it is important to choose your words carefully because anything you say and any admissions that you make can be used against you at a later date.
You always have the right to remain silent. If you want to assert this right you should tell the police clearly that you wish to remain silent from this point forward.
You should never consent to any searches. While this may not ultimately stop the search from occurring, it is important to make this known.
You should never resist any police officer, never run, and never touch a police officer - even if you feel that you are in the right.
As soon as you get arrested you should request to have an attorney assist you. This request should be made clearly and you should not make any statements or sign any documents without being given an opportunity to call an attorney or have an attorney present.
If the police give you an opportunity to call a friend or family member - these calls may be recorded. Be aware of that when you speak.